Interview (December 2006 / January 2007)
Q: The ‘splash’ of paint is ever present, a recurrent theme. Does that have any specific visual function or is it symbolic? The ‘splash’ is inevitably blue in colour - what psychological effect do you wish to raise with the viewer?
A: What you call ‘splash’ is in fact “unidentified liquid “, of the viewer’s imagination. There will be a diversified imaginative reaction towards the blue liquid due to different people’s perception of it, and this uncertainty brings an interactive creativity, making the series more seductive.
Q: You say that “People are surely masking themselves and this is the present
situation in China”. One of the biggest problems foreigners encounter when
visiting and living in China is the concept of ‘ face / losing face ’. Why is it do you think that this concept exists, and is it in the process of changing or a permanent thing?
A: Chinese people always say ”Endure extreme hardship whilst trying to save
face”. There seems to be a genetic gene beyond culture and history, and hard to change.
Q: By your works do you want people to ‘ take off the mask ‘ ?
A: No: this kind of endeavor would be in vain.
Q: Because being critical of people and society can be dangerous, even though
intention can be good, is it possible for people to change? Is it even necessary?
A: An artist should have his own clear standpoint when facing society.
Q: The power of the media is so strong ~ how can people retain an identity?
Is it really possible here to be individual, both as an artist, and as a member of society?
A: Possible, and at the same time you must have confidence and belief.
Q: It does seem to me that people are sometimes afraid of being independent, and that conformity does bring a form of security … at the cost of liberty.
A: It is the prerogative of an artist to be independent in thought. Being
independent in thought is an ability as well as power … a real power with which
to obtain freedom. I do not need safety in the creation of art ~ that would make
my art impotent.
Q: It is a common concern that in this age of materialism, traditional values are being forgotten, left behind. Is this inevitable do you think, and what can be done to preserve those good aspects from the past for the sake of the future?
A: This seems to be concerned with sociology. Some elements will be preserved as society moves on, so I am in a state of tolerance towards it.
Q: Do you find that traditional Chinese concepts and thoughts are being inevitably supplanted by the Western media or are they being supplemented?
A: I am pondering this question actually. The traditional Chinese concepts
have been studied deeply by Westerners, a positive influence towards the world.
Q: In society, do you think the Western influence is helping or doing more harm than good?
A: I think that Western and Eastern cultures and concepts have actually merged with each other, which is helpful.
Q: There is just so much new art coming from China these days, and unfortunately some artists do seem to paint to cater to a popular market, at the expense of
being truly creative. What advice would you give to new artists? It is difficult
because at the same time they need to be financially secure and sell their paintings whilst still maintaining artistic integrity.
A: If art has to be related to market forces, then the commercial value will grow … it is embarrassing when art becomes related to profit.
Q: To be popular is one thing, but to be a great artist is another, what is your opinion?
A: To be popular is to be happy, whilst to be great is to be lonely.
I enjoy happiness in loneliness.
Q: Concerning art: who are your favorite artists, both international and native,
and why? Have they had any specific influence on your art, or not?
A: I like and respect the kind of artist who overthrows something in art history.
Q: Why did you come to Songzhuang?
A: Fate.
Q: How long does it usually take from the time of an idea of a painting until the
finished piece?
A: It all depends.
Q: Why do you choose to work with oil paint?
A: It is the need of the work itself.
Q: What are your thoughts concerning the modern art scene in China?
A: It has never been so flourishing as today. It is so exciting, and we can only let
time judge it.
Q: Do you see yourself as being a Cynical artist, or just a modern artist?
A: No. I am just a member of that group called modern.
Q: Any plans for future?
A: I just want to make things better.
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