亚历山大•朱利安•克鲁 2007年1月
The Concept of ‘Face’
For any visitor to China, one of the most bewildering and confusing aspects of
society here is the social characteristic known as ‘face'. This is mainly due to the fact that apart from other social differences, there simply is no exact equivalent of ‘face’ or ‘losing face ’ in the culture of the West.
At a fundamental level‘face’can be understood as meaning ‘public reputation’,
whereby an individual person’s sense of self worth, esteem, is defined by the extent to which he feels he ‘has face’ in the presence of other people, how much respect his is given.
This notion of face can be both given and taken away. The sense of self worth is not defined by the individual, but by an individual’s image in the eyes of others, and can be lost especially by being publicly embarrassed. Public imagery is the key. Face can be granted to others by giving public tokens of respect even though those people might not even have earned or deserved them.
Giving face can create an outward reality to hide a less pleasant one: Form taking precedence over Content.
Western notions such as individual conscience individual soul, historically stemmed from belief religious origin, of the inherent value of the individual irrespective of his social standing, or relationship to others. Westerners seem to place more importance on an individual rather than group identity, whereas the reverse would appear to be the case in China.
An individual’s responsibility comes primarily from his own conscience, or belief, this being regardless of what his fellow men might think, whereas in China an individual is seemingly more responsible to others, to be shamed before his peers being an ultimate embarrassment. It could be said that Western culture stresses private guilt whilst Chinese culture emphasizes public shame.
This can be said to be an extension of a deeper difference that shame tends to be more important than guilt in Chinese society. That is, rather than be concerned with self-honesty, which is internal, and is motivated by a concern for a personal feeling sense of guilt, an individual will often worry more about how actions are seen by others. The consequences of being caught seem worse than the action itself. Even an innocent act that appears wrong is to be avoided.
We can look to the past for a precedent: historically in China, an individual was subservient first to the emperor, then to his family, and then to his elders, both deceased and living. Children had no right to live independently from their parents, they were a subordinate extension. Relationships were not seen in terms of equality, but in terms of an endless hierarchy defined by age and social status, primacy given to the most senior male member of the family. Improper behaviour by member of the family reflected not simply on one member, but on all the family, both alive and dead.
This concept of face puts the individual at the mercy of the society’s demands, and should behaviour be deemed judged lacking, then face is lost, damaging the individual and, by connection, his family’s social standing.
Fulfilling social obligations is a critical component of maintaining face, and as the importance of maintaining face increases with social standing, the more socially prominent an individual is, the more the more at risk and vulnerable he is to losing face.
It is difficult, but we can even go so far as to say that there is a tendency to avoid embarrassing situations no matter what the cost ~ an individual may be willing to bend or hide the truth in order to save face, may not willingly admit that they are wrong, and might not bring others into potentially embarrassing situations in order to ‘save face ’.
In fact, ‘face’ refers to two separate but related concepts in Chinese social relations. One is ‘ mianzi ’ (面子), the other is ‘ lian ’ (脸). Both are used commonly in everyday speech rather than in formal writing.
‘Lian ' is the confidence society places in a person's moral character, whilst
‘mianzi’represents the social perception of an individual’s prestige.
For a person to maintain face is important with because face translates into power and influence and affects goodwill. A loss of ‘lian ’would result in a loss of trust within a social network, while a loss of ‘mianzi’ would result in a loss of authority. For example ~ gossiping about a colleague time-wasting at work would cause a loss of ‘lian’ but not ‘mianzi’. Interrupting your boss repeatedly as he is speaking may cause the boss a loss of ‘mianzi ’but not ‘lian’.
When trying to avoid conflict, Chinese people in general will avoid causing another person to lose ‘mianzi’by not mentioning embarrassing facts publicly. On the other hand, when a challenge is made to authority, or another person's standing within a community, Chinese will often attempt to cause a loss of
It must be noted that this concept also exists in similar fashion in the cultures of both Korea and Japan, and is not exclusively Chinese.
Alexander Crowe, January 2007
This review is written by Alexander Julian Crowe, a British art critic and exhibition planner, who both lives and works in the artists'village in Xiaopu, Songzhuang. With a degree in the history of Art and Philosophy, he also attended the William Shakespeare grammar school in Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, and has been living, travelling, and writing in China since 2001. In 2006 he appeared on the Chinese national television channel CCTV9 to discuss modern art in China, and also organised a photo exhibition for Reuters in the 798 art district of Beijing. For more details please visit the website www.100art.cn., where there is a personal introduction and biography.
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